Translation of public notice by group of Stamford Hill rabbis
Public notice from the Rabbis
We were shocked to hear that there are those who are spreading reports that the Jews in England [Britain] are united against the head of the Labour party, Mr Jeremy Corbyn. They have also publicised that as a result Jews are considering leaving the land of England [Britain] out of concern that he may be elected as prime minister.
We therefore publicise our views that we are in no way associated with these aforementioned irresponsible activities.
Jews who are loyal to God and His Torah seek the peace of the state in which they reside and treat her leaders with respect and, God forbid, we would never contemplate antagonising political leaders. As our sages of blessed memory have taught us and as we have been commanded by the Prophet Jeremiah (29:7), Seek the peace of the city to which I have exiled you and pray for her to God for in her peace will there be peace unto you.
In the merit of our acceptance of the yoke of the exile and conducting ourselves with humility in this country as we have during millennia of our exile throughout our generations will we merit to be rescued from various severe troubles and to a Good Inscription and Sealing.
Tuesday 'Atem Nitzovim', 24 Elul 5778 [4 September 2018]
Do they deliver the Newsheet to Islington. Or did the Alkhamites drop off on the way to the latest shabbes demo.